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What is the reason for the heavy steering wheel of the car?


【 Master Bang 】 What is the reason for the heavy steering wheel of the car?

The car has been driving for a long time, there may be a lot of abnormal phenomena, some people may encounter the phenomenon of heavy steering wheel, as for the reasons, but do not know, only know that the steering wheel is heavy, feel not caused by their own reasons, are the car's own problems.

Today, Master Bang said that the car will become heavy in the direction of the problem.

Lack of booster oil

Without the help oil that drives the car, even moving forward will be difficult, let alone steering, will be even more difficult. The solution is to carry out regular inspection and addition of booster oil.

Bearing failure

Specifically refers to the steering gear bearing or steering column bearing, such physical and mechanical damage is the main cause of heavy steering and poor steering, the specific solution is to replace the new bearing.

Ball head problem

If the ball head of the steering tie rod is short of oil or damaged, it is bound to cause steering difficulties, if it is damaged, it must be replaced, and if it is short of oil, it is necessary to supplement the lubricating oil.

Low pressure on the front tires

That is, the tire is flat, causing the area of contact with the ground to increase, and the friction is greater than usual, and the steering naturally becomes a lot heavier. The emergency method is very simple, is to inflate to the normal tire pressure; And check the tire in time to see if there are nails or damage, then it is necessary to repair the tire.

In addition, what should I do if the steering wheel is locked?

The reason why the steering wheel locks is mainly because we turn it when we pull the key, and the car's security system will default to the risk of theft at this time, so the system will lock the steering wheel to prevent vehicle theft.

When the steering wheel of the car is locked, some owners may call the staff of the 4s shop to repair, in fact, it is very simple to unlock the steering wheel, insert the key - reverse the steering wheel (and keep the key in sync) - twist the key - complete.

Some vehicles are keyless start devices, in fact, it is very simple, first turn around the reverse disk - brake - and then press a key to start it.

The reason for the heavy steering wheel of the car and the solution of the steering wheel lock is introduced first, here we need to remind everyone that: do not panic when the vehicle is found abnormal in the process of driving, as long as the cause of the fault is judged according to the situation, and then carefully check and the right medicine can be solved.

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