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【 Master Bang online 】| how to judge whether the three-way catalytic converter is blocked!



【 Master Bang online 】| how to judge whether the three-way catalytic converter is blocked!

Hello everyone, Master Bang and you meet again

Today, we will talk about the blockage of the three-way catalytic converter

Let me talk to you a little bit before I do that

I read a lot of news on the Internet recently

There have been several incidents across the country

The case of stealing "three-way catalytic converters"

Master Bang told everyone

Be sure to keep an eye on your vehicle

Lest it be stolen

And I'll tell you about it

Why would a thief steal this

Three-way catalyst

It is composed of many precious metals

Platinum, palladium, rhodium, etc

Some are more expensive than gold

In particular, the three-way catalytic converter equipped with the original car is more valuable

One could even sell for a few hundred to two grand

Just because it's worth so much

It made some illegal people target

I'm really not afraid of thieves

A thief knows what he's doing

Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!

Start class

Now let's get down to business

Tell you about

Three-way catalyst clogging problem

A fan asked me yesterday

The engine shakes abnormally and often stalls

And feel unmotivated

Master Bang told you

This is actually a three-way catalytic converter blocked

First of all, let me give you a popular science

What is a three-way catalytic converter

Three-way catalyst

It is installed in the automobile exhaust system

The most important external purification device

It can discharge car exhaust

Carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, nitrogen oxide and other harmful gases

By oxidation and reduction to

Harmless carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen

Since this catalytic converter can simultaneously

The main harmful substances in the exhaust gas

Converted into harmless substances

Hence the name three yuan

If it goes wrong, it affects

The annual review of the car, fuel consumption, power, exhaust and many other aspects

So how do we tell

The three-way catalytic converter is blocked

There are many reasons for the blockage of the three-way catalytic converter

But most of them are due to poor quality oil

The resulting carbon deposits, oil mixed combustion carbon deposits and so on

The resulting three-way catalyst is blocked and vulcanized

We talked about that earlier

Three-way catalyst

Is to change harmful substances into harmless substances

When blocked, there is no way to convert

So the first judgment is

Whether the exhaust emissions exceed the standard

What's more

The blockage will affect the normal work of the oxygen sensor

In other words, it affects

Accuracy of engine receiving oxygen sensor signal

Thus, it is impossible to accurately control the gap between fuel injection, intake and ignition

Lead to increased fuel consumption

When there's a serious blockage

Then the exhaust gas will not be discharged in time

It will inevitably cause the back to overwhelm the current

When the pressure exceeds the pressure value of the engine exhaust recoil to the combustion chamber

It will cause the engine to shake, gasp and stall

When the three-way catalytic converter is blocked

When high pressure exhaust is needed,

Because of the blockage, the exhaust is not smooth,

Which affects the intake volume,

The output power of the engine decreases

The phenomenon of causing insufficient power of the vehicle

And when the engine exhausts poorly,

There will also be some exhaust trapped inside the cylinder,

To dilute the mixture,

The burning rate slows down

When the intake valve is open

The mixture is still burning

The burning mixture will pass through the opening of the intake valve

Back into the intake pipe

Resulting in the phenomenon of tempering

Sum up

If the above phenomenon occurs

Can prove

The three-way catalytic converter could be clogged

Need to clean up in time

Three stages of catalyst clogging

1. The first stage is the stage of slight blockage

At this stage, the chemical complex adsorbed on the catalyst surface only shows that the exhaust gas purification function is reduced and the exhaust gas emissions exceed the standard.

2. The second stage is the moderate blockage stage

The chemical complex has accumulated on the catalyst surface to a certain extent, and at this stage, the exhaust back pressure increases, the fuel consumption increases, and the power decreases.

3. The third stage is the stage of severe blockage

Due to the serious blockage, the working temperature of the three-way catalyst rises, and the high temperature sintering blockage is formed in the front end of the three-way catalyst. High temperature sintering plugging is divided into two types: one is metal sintering plugging. One is carbon deposit sintering coke plugging.

It is determined by whether the use of lead and manganese antiknock agents in the fuel, this stage is manifested as a serious decline in power, often flameout, and serious exhaust pipe burning red. It can even cause spontaneous combustion of vehicles.

Usually everyone will ignore the three-way catalytic converter

After reading this article is not to pay attention to

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