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After the auto insurance reform | the most easy to refuse the fourteen circumstances!



After the auto insurance reform | the most easy to refuse the fourteen circumstances!

Auto insurance reform after the most easy to refuse claims

Fourteen cases


The new auto insurance has been officially implemented since September 19, 2020, and has been for more than half a year now. After the reform of auto insurance, there have been changes in compulsory insurance and commercial insurance exemption clauses. This period, Xiaonbang will help you take stock of the situation of auto insurance.

Compulsory traffic insurance four free

Compulsory insurance is the state must buy insurance, is mandatory insurance, if you do not buy compulsory insurance (or compulsory insurance expired), the new car can not be licensed, or the following year car annual inspection can not be audited.

No compensation under four circumstances of compulsory traffic insurance:

1. Intentional loss;

2. Property of the insured or property of the insured's vehicle;

3, only pay for direct losses, do not pay for interval losses, such as causing others to stop business, power outage, water supply, production, etc., or the value of repair is reduced;

4, due to traffic accident litigation or arbitration fees are not reimbursed.

Auto damage insurance five free

Auto damage insurance refers to the insured vehicle owner and the driver allowed by the owner in the process of using the vehicle insurance accident, resulting in vehicle damage, the insurance company will be compensated within a reasonable range of commercial insurance, auto damage insurance can be bought separately.

Vehicle damage insurance refers to the direct loss of the insured's motor vehicle caused by natural disasters or accidents during the use of the insured's motor vehicle by the insured or the insured's motor vehicle driver.

Please note the following refusal:

1, hit-and-run, related car repair costs are not reimbursed.

2, change the nature of the use of car insurance, if it is the nature of private car insurance, the result is engaged in network about car and other business activities, resulting in no compensation for accidents.

3, vehicle modification, the vehicle is damaged during the modification of the maintenance plant, or because the risk of vehicle use increases after modification, resulting in vehicle damage is not compensated.

4, vehicle parts stolen, if the whole car stolen, theft insurance can be compensated, but if only parts stolen, no compensation.

5, wheel damage alone, wheel damage alone or no obvious collision scratches, no compensation.

Third party liability insurance is not covered

Compared with other types of insurance, third party liability insurance has a very important feature, that is, the amount of insurance is low to high compensation, once a serious traffic accident occurs, the role of the three risks is reflected.

Third party liability insurance, referred to as three liability, is to compensate for the other party's personal injury, car injury and item loss, such as hitting a telephone pole, guardrail and so on.

Please note the following refusal:

1. The student is in danger without an instructor

2. Depreciation loss of the other party's vehicle

Some expensive models, after the accident to sell the car will directly affect the price of used cars, this indirect loss, car damage insurance and three liability are not covered

3, cause the other party to stop business, power outage, production and other indirect losses are not compensated

4, the other party asks for mental damage, lawyer's fees, parking fees, storage fees, and out-of-pocket drugs outside the scope of medical insurance during hospitalization

5, do not report in time, resulting in accident losses can not be determined without compensation.

Xiao Bang reminds you that insurance is not omnipotent, usually pay attention to safe driving, avoid driving irregularities!

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