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Safe and Responsible! How often is brake fluid replaced?


Safe and Responsible! How often is brake fluid replaced?

All kinds of oils in your car have a certain period of time, and if you don't replace them in time, it will not only affect the normal driving of your car, but it may also cause some damage to your car. The brake fluid of the car is a very important fluid.

Recently, I found that many car owners are reflecting a problem: "I'm fine with point brakes, why do I need to change the brake fluid?" However, in fact, the maintenance manual has written that the brake fluid should be changed once every 2 years, maybe, the brakes are fine, but when you have to brake sharply on the highway, you will regret it when you have to brake in a hurry. It's too late.

The fluid used in the hydraulic brake system is brake fluid. Brake fluid reservoir with air holes on the reason is to let the volume of the heated brake fluid to adapt, but the air holes are prone to absorb moisture or impurities in the air, so that the brake line due to the impact of air resistance caused by a decline in braking power or braking failure and other phenomena, jeopardizing the safety of driving.

So, what is worth noting to replace the brake fluid?

First of all, most people think that the replacement of brake fluid is only limited to the number of years and kilometers. In fact, this is not the case. Also based on the vehicle is located in the zone of climate humidity: tropical areas every year or 20,000 kilometers to change. Cold regions every two years or 40,000 kilometers temperate regions every three years or 60,000 kilometers.

It is recommended that you purchase a medium to high grade brake fluid. Low-end brake fluid has a lot of impurities, which will lead to accelerated wear of the brake pump and clogging of the brake system oil circuit. Expired brake fluid brake effect is also not very good just because the owner of a long time to adapt to their own vehicles so do not notice. In order to drive safely, it is recommended to replace it immediately.

Secondly, when replacing the brake fluid must be required to drain the brake fluid, do not mix different brake fluids, otherwise affect the oil and thus affect the brake performance. Brake fluid from time to time there is moisture and impurities into, should be filtered in a timely manner for the appropriate brake maintenance.

Finally, if the driving process of bias brakes or brake failure and other conditions, should be timely to the professional repair store for inspection and maintenance, do not be careless, do not because of a moment of trouble and jeopardize their own safety and property damage. Even some times, would rather put down the work at hand to drive to the maintenance, because, a moment of forgetfulness can sometimes make people regret.

If you really encounter know that the braking distance is too long, the braking effect is not very good situation, must not be because of the convenience of the moment to save trouble, in the end, it is not worth the loss, so, hurry to check whether the car brake is good it. Love the car is equal to love and care for themselves, but also love and care for family and friends.

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