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What color of motor oil needs to be changed



What color of motor oil needs to be changed

Generally speaking, any brand of motor oil it can be kept for more than 5,000 kilometers, provided that the use is not fake. Only when the car owner has frequent sharp braking, refueling too hard and other bad habits, will shorten the life of the oil.

For the oil what color need to replace this problem, we know that normally, automotive oil in the new injection is a golden yellow, and usually added to the cleaning and dispersing agent, is attached to the piston on the gum film and black carbon cleaning down dispersed in the oil, in order to achieve the purpose of reducing engine deposits.

In summary, we can conclude that why the lubricating oil after a period of time the color will become black answer. But this time the oil in fact has not deteriorated, if you want to determine whether the lubricating oil has not deteriorated, or whether it needs to be replaced, you can judge by the viscosity of the oil.

The method is to take out a drop of oil on the test paper, observe the oil expansion surface, if the expanded edge is not clear, indicating that the gasoline can still be used; if there is a circle, indicating that it is still passable; if the circle looks very obvious, and the diffusion is not large, it means that the need to replace the oil.

1. Deposit ring:

In the center of the spot is the oil within the coarse particles of impurity deposits concentrated place, by the deposition of the ring color shades can be roughly judged by the degree of oil contamination.

2. Diffusion ring

In the deposition ring around the periphery of the ring called diffusion ring, it is suspended in the oil of fine particles of impurities to the outside of the diffusion of traces left behind. The finer the particles, the farther the diffusion. Diffusion ring width and color uniformity is an important factor, it indicates the oil additives on the dispersion of contaminated impurities ability.

3. Oil ring:

In the diffusion ring of the peripheral oil ring, the color from light yellow to brown-red, indicating the degree of oxidation of the oil.

Grade I: no obvious boundary between the deposition area and the diffusion area of the oil spot, the entire oil spot is uniform in color, the oil ring is light and bright, the oil is of good quality.

Grade II: the deposition ring is dark in color, the diffusion ring is wider, there is an obvious demarcation line, the oil ring is yellow in different depths, the oil quality has been contaminated, and the oil can still be used.

Grade III: the deposition ring is deep black, the deposition is dense, the diffusion ring is narrow, the oil ring is darker, the oil quality has been degraded.

Level 4: only the center of the deposition ring and the oil ring, there is no diffusion ring, the deposition ring black deposits dense and thick, not easy to dry, the oil ring into a dark yellow and light brown, the oil has been oxidized and deteriorated.

Replacement Precautions


Because multigrade oil has the advantages of saving, long life, high efficiency, etc., choose multigrade oil as much as possible. However, based on the characteristics of multigrade oil, in the process of use


Nippon brand oils are not only of good quality, but also affordable, so you can use them without worry.


If the seasonal temperature is low, you should use a less viscous oil as much as possible to ensure the oil circuit is smooth. If the engine in the summer or severe wear and tear, should use high viscosity oil, because it will be more conducive to the formation of oil film, thereby reducing engine wear.

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