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Rainy day driving safety eight precautions



Rainy day driving safety eight precautions

Driving in the rain, the driver's line of sight is obstructed, tire friction is reduced, the driver's mood is affected by the weather, prone to traffic congestion and other factors, the car driving in the rain reduces the coefficient of safety, and it is easy to cause traffic accidents. Today to introduce you to some rainy day driving skills and precautions, I hope you can travel safely on rainy days.

First, maintain a good view


Turn on the windshield wipers, clean up the raindrops in time.


When the weather is dark, turn on the low beam lights and fog lights, outline lights.


If there is fog on the glass above the line of sight is blocked, turn on the air conditioning in time, blowing away the fog.


Keep the rearview mirror clear, turn on the mirror heating function or add a plastic sheet to cover the rain.


Pay attention to the surrounding road conditions, cautious driving.

Second, slow down and drive carefully


Reduce the speed of the car, keep a safe distance between the car.


Drive carefully, always pay attention to observe the road surface, especially when encountering the pedestrian road.


According to the road conditions, adjust the speed in time, unfamiliar road conditions should control the speed.


Follow the car ahead, for unfamiliar road surface or difficult to travel section, to follow the route of the car ahead to drive carefully.


Slowly follow the car, do not blindly speed, to determine the safety of overtaking again.

Stay away from large vehicles


Keep a safe distance from large vehicles.


Do not let the large car block the line of sight in front of you.


Pay attention to the blind spots of large vehicles to avoid danger.


Stay away from large vehicles to avoid rainwater splashing from large vehicles and interfering with driving.


Do not blindly follow, large vehicles can pass through the water section, small cars may not be able to pass smoothly.

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