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Fuel car electric car of environmental issues



Fuel car electric car of environmental issues

From the new energy vehicle demonstration project in 2008, to the introduction of the National Six standard, and then to today's hundreds of entry into the car-making situation, new energy vehicles is undoubtedly the hottest topic in the automotive industry.

And buying a new energy vehicle is also a choice for car buyers today. In addition to the impact of the policy on new energy vehicles, there are increasingly serious environmental pressures, so that we gradually realize the importance of environmental protection for us, consumption is also to the direction of green and sustainable choices.

New energy vehicles refer to all cars other than traditional fuel vehicles, mainly including hybrid cars, pure electric cars, fuel cell cars and so on. These cars have a significant feature, that is, when running pollution is far lower than fuel cars, of which pure electric cars are the most obvious.

The power system of traditional fuel vehicles is a series of power transmission, and finally the whole mechanical arrangement drives the wheels. This process emits large amounts of carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides (NOx), too much of which can lead to neurotoxicity, cancer, damage to our eyes and mucous membranes, and of course, global warming, which is also related to these gases.

Compared to fuel cars, pure electric cars do not have tailpipe emissions, and can basically do zero pollution. Pure electric cars are powered by an on-board power source and use an electric motor to drive the wheels. The working principle is: battery - electric current - power regulator - electric motor - powertrain -drive the car traveling.

Perhaps the current electric car is not satisfactory, brake failure, high price, charging inconvenience, range is not long and so on, but we can not deny that the electric car is a historical trend. It is a product of this information age.

We know that a technological revolution is based on coal as the energy base of the steam era; the second technological revolution is based on petroleum as the energy base of the electrical era, the traditional fuel car is the product of the second technological revolution, although in the continuous internal optimization, but never break through to the petroleum-based medium of the engine to promote the era of the energy; it is clear that the electric car is the three technological revolutions, the product of the information age, the electric car belongs to the intelligent products Electric cars are intelligent products, basically composed of electronic components, and the Internet is closely linked to the final realization of autonomous driving technology, but also in the electric car can be realized.

Give some tolerance to electric cars, after all, pure electric cars do not appear for a long time, some technical flaws may exist, but can not be denied the importance of it, electric cars are the choice of human development, just as the fuel car, just as the emergence of the car is also problematic, and to this day the car every year to take away the lives of millions of people, the number of people who lost their lives because of the automobile than the number of people who died in the Second World War. The number of lives lost to automobiles is greater than the number of people killed in World War II.

Look squarely at the emergence of pure electric cars, understand China's various restrictions on fuel cars, for themselves, but also for the future, shaping a green, green, green, low-pollution recycling future with green mountains and green water.

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