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How to Judge the Quality Level and Performance of Motor Oil



How to Judge the Quality Level and Performance of Motor Oil

First of all, we can judge the quality level and performance of motor oil from the oil specifications on the packaging. Take “5W-40 API SN” as an example, in front of 5W-40 as the main label, the smaller the value before W, that is, the better the low-temperature fluidity, on behalf of the lower temperature environment can be used, low-temperature start-up engine protection is better. 40 behind the W is on behalf of the oil at high temperatures under the viscosity index, the greater the value of the viscosity of the higher.

API is the abbreviation of the American Petroleum Institute, and then the back of the SN that the oil grade, this one is a common engine oil for gasoline and diesel engines, gasoline engine grades are: API SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SF, SG, SH, SJ, SL,SM, SN, SP, from “SA” to “SP”. “SP”, each incremental letter, generally speaking, the performance of the oil will be higher than the previous one, that is, the later the letter, the higher the quality level. The series starting with “C” stands for diesel engine oils, and like gasoline engine oils, the higher the letter, the higher the grade.

When the letters “S” and “C” exist at the same time, it means that the oil is a common type for both gas and diesel engines.

This method can only be used to determine the quality of the oil from the specifications if the oil is genuine.

Secondly, you can identify the good and bad motor oil through several simple methods, a mnemonic please remember, is a smell, two look at three twisted four defense five light.

A smell: smell the flavor of the oil, odorless good; if the oil sour smell is very strong, indicating that the oil has been deteriorated; if the new oil will be able to know the poor quality of lubricants.

Second look: the test oil into a disposable paper cup, and then the oil cup raised about 30 centimeters and tilted, so that the oil slowly flow to the empty cup, and observe its flow, the oil flow continuous, long and uniform is good; if the oil flow of fast and slow, and sometimes there are chunks of the flow down, then the oil has been deteriorated, this time it should be changed; if it is a new change of oil can be known as lubricating oil in the impurity Excessive, poor quality.

Three twist: finger dipped in a little oil ruler on the oil, with the thumb and forefinger repeatedly grinding, feel less debris, no friction, there is a soothing lubrication is good; such as feeling impurities, viscosity is poor, and even astringent, you should change the oil.

Four discernment: take a white filter paper (also available as a substitute for paper towels), will drop a few drops of oil ruler on the oil in the paper, to be oil leakage, no powder, with the hand to touch the dry and smooth for good; such as paper impurities, indicating that the oil has been deteriorated or lubricating oil quality is not qualified.

Five light: take out the oil ruler held high at 45 degrees, meet the light to observe the oil droplets, can clearly see the oil droplets in the end of no wear debris is good; if too many impurities in the oil, the oil has been deteriorated or the quality of lubricating oil is unqualified.

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