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Several misunderstandings on the automobile cognition



everal misunderstandings on the automobile cognition

Perhaps out of inertia thinking, we accumulate in ordinary life in some of the automotive knowledge seems to be justified, but a closer look at will find that these common sense seems to exist in a certain understanding of the misunderstanding, today we will combine this topic to see what are misunderstood by the car common sense.

The larger the displacement, the more fuel-efficient

From a comprehensive data point of view, it is true that the larger the displacement of the car's fuel consumption to be higher, this is because in the low-speed and idling stage, large-displacement models of the higher level of fuel consumption, but if you are in the region of the traffic, road conditions, and other conditions are relatively good, large-displacement models in the high-speed stage is still relatively more fuel-efficient.

Thick car skin = safety

Many people in the purchase of vehicles will consider the thickness of the vehicle's steel plate, this point of view has some truth, but the thickness of the steel plate is mainly reflected in the damage under the small-scale collision, that is, the cost of repairs and labor hours, for the overall safety and protection does not have a direct impact. In the accident is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the car body is the frame strength, rather than just outside the layer of skin can be decided.

The heavier the car, the safer it is

According to the law that the greater the mass, the greater the kinetic energy, a car of different mass hitting the same wall will have a predictable damage effect, and due to inertia, the impact received by the occupants of the car will also increase exponentially. In addition, under other conditions, the increase in vehicle weight will also lead to a decrease in braking and handling ability, and the safety risk will be greater.

Manual gearboxes are more fuel efficient than automatics

Compared to the era of 5MT and 4AT, in addition to the difference in gears, there is also the problem of energy consumption of the hydrodynamic torque converter, automatic models will naturally be more fuel-efficient than manual models. The current dual clutch transmission, CVT transmission and other new automatic transmission is a good solution to this problem, the current introduction of some 8AT, 9AT technology, even if it is matched to the manual transmission I believe that no one is willing to drive, not only the shifting sequence is easy to let the driver make a mistake, cumbersome gearshift process almost let a person lose the desire to drive.

Passing speed bumps with one wheel

Many neighborhoods or streets will be set up to remind drivers to pay attention to speed bumps, many drivers are accustomed to using only one wheel through the speed bumps, thinking that the impact on the vehicle is small, but in fact the opposite is true. Due to the uneven force of the suspension, long-term driving this way is easy to make the suspension slightly dislocated, affecting the accuracy of the body.

The thicker the bumper beam, the better

Some car companies expressed incomprehension by adding foam in front of the bumper beam, in fact, the main role of the foam is to absorb energy, the rear of the bumper beam plays a role in reducing damage at low speeds, the deeper role is to help the insurance company to confirm the degree of damage in the accident, if the bumper beam deformation or displacement, the insurance company can be based on the situation of the cost of accounting for repairs, if you encounter a medium or high speed impact, the bumper beam is not like its name “Crashproof”.

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