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Do you often use these "folk remedies" for car repair? - Not only useless but also hurt the car!



Do you often use these "folk remedies" for car repair? - Not only useless but also hurt the car!

Speaking of car maintenance, many owners have their own maintenance "folk prescriptions", and sometimes enjoy sharing their own experiences with friends, but some "folk prescriptions" are not only useless, but also cause damage to the car. Today, I will enumerate with you those "folk prescriptions" about car maintenance.


Grease bolts and nuts to prevent corrosion

When many owners go to the auto repair shop to do maintenance, they will ask the master to grease the bolts and nuts of the wheel (in many cases, it is lubricating oil) in order to prevent the effect of rust on the bolts and nuts. However, they do not know that this practice is very dangerous!

The bolts and nuts are tightened when the car leaves the factory, for safety reasons. When you grease the bolts and nuts, it will undoubtedly reduce the friction between them, so that when the car is driving (especially when the road is uneven), the bolts and nuts will be loose because of the wheel vibration, and eventually lead to serious consequences.

Think about it, when driving on the high speed, if the wheel suddenly flies out, it is a very dangerous phenomenon for yourself or the car behind you.


Remove engine thermostat

Many owners have complained that their engine temperature is too high, so remove the thermostat, so that the coolant for large circulation, in order to let the engine "cold" down. This approach is also wrong, and has many after-effects on the car.

First, you think the engine is too hot, but it may not be. The thermostat is to keep the engine at a relatively stable operating temperature and regulate the cooling intensity of the coolant. Without it, the cooling intensity of the coolant will be maintained at a high level, and the engine will work at a low temperature for a long time. In the end, this will only lead to three phenomena: reduced engine power, increased fuel consumption and serious engine wear.

Therefore, if the owner finds that his engine temperature is too high, he should go to a professional auto repair shop to repair or replace the thermostat or other cooling system parts, rather than blindly removing the thermostat.


The tighter the belt, the better

Some owners may feel that the tighter the pump fan belt, the more it can drive the relevant parts to work and improve work efficiency. But actually, the tighter the belt, the better.

Too tight belt will not only easily break, but also lead to more serious wear and even deformation of the engine shaft and water pump shaft. In fact, the tightness of the pump fan needs to be in accordance with the corresponding regulations, and human intervention should not be done (the belt is too loose or too tight, and manual adjustment is required). In general, it is best to maintain the winding of the belt at 10-15mm.

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