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The difference between gasoline engine oil and diesel engine oil



The difference between gasoline engine oil and diesel engine oil

Gasoline engine oil and diesel engine oil are both base oil + additives blended from the same formula, the two are similar in efficacy. However, the two must not be mixed, otherwise it will increase the internal wear and tear of the engine, damage the engine function and reduce the service life of the engine. But in addition to not mixing, what is the difference between gasoline and diesel engine oil?

Difference in composition

Generally speaking, diesel engine oil with the same viscosity level is higher than gasoline engine oil. If the same viscosity level of diesel engine oil is used in the gasoline engine, the friction will become larger, causing the engine to heat up, which will cause the engine temperature is too high, and the temperature will accelerate the deterioration of the oil, the life of the oil will be cut in half.

The same volume of diesel engine oil contains additives will be more than gasoline engine oil, in the combustion of smoke produced by the idle weight, combustion by-products more, then require more clean dispersant to acid neutralization, and then clean the engine interior.

Diesel oil more antioxidants: fuel diesel sulfur content than gasoline, sulfur combustion will produce sulfuric acid and sulfurous acid, together with high temperature and high pressure exhaust gas into the oil sump, more additives to prevent the oil from failing too quickly. If there are acidic gases into, can play a certain neutralization effect, while gasoline engine oil in this regard is not so strict requirements.

Diesel engine compression ratio is more than two times that of gasoline engines, parts subjected to high temperature, high pressure, impact to be much larger than gasoline engines, and thus some of the parts of the production of different materials, different materials are not the same corrosion resistance, which ultimately leads to the amount of corrosion-resistant additives are not the same!

Difference between exhaust and catalytic exhaust cleaning systems

Diesel and gasoline engines have different catalytic exhaust cleaners. Diesel oil has more anti-wear additives, typically ZDDP, added to it, so diesel engine emissions place a higher demand on the purifier, which is specifically treated to deal with this. If you use diesel oil in a gasoline engine, it can cause problems for the gasoline engine's exhaust cleaner.

How to tell the difference between gasoline and diesel engine oils

If the package is labeled only with API S* (* stands for a letter of the alphabet) it is gasoline engine oil for gasoline cars. If the package is labeled only API C* (* stands for one letter of the alphabet), it is diesel engine oil for diesel vehicles. If the package is labeled API S*/C* or C*/S*, it is a diesel/gasoline engine oil for mixed fleets. Generally speaking, the one with S in front is more suitable for gasoline vehicles, and the one with C in front is more suitable for diesel vehicles.

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