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Automatic driving technology is not simple



Automatic driving technology is not simple

Automatic driving technology, also called driverless technology, relies mainly on the computer system in the car mainly intelligent driver to realize the purpose of driverless. And according to the driving category, generally divided into six kinds.


L0 level: no automatic

The gas pedal, brake and steering wheel are all controlled by the driver, which is the most common driving method, the vehicle will not automatically adjust the speed, acceleration and deceleration need to be operated by the driver.


L1: Timely assisted driving

The vehicle is still mainly controlled by the driver, but the system will intervene at specific times, such as ESP electronic body stabilization system or ABS anti-lock braking system, uphill start assisted traction, etc., which is mainly used to improve driving safety and comfort. Most cars nowadays are at this level.


L2: Semi-automated driving

The system can assist the gas pedal and brake, steering wheel, vehicle speed and steering can also run on its own under certain conditions, but the driver still needs to concentrate on the road conditions.


Level L3: Automatic Driving

The system can control the vehicle automatically, and the driver does not have to concentrate on the road conditions. This level of autonomous driving system can not pay attention to the road conditions under certain conditions, and the hands can even leave the steering wheel. The vehicle can be fully controlled by a computer, but unexpected situations may arise on the road from time to time. The driver still needs to be ready to take over the vehicle and make decisions.


L4: Highly automated driving

This level also has steering wheels and other interfaces to provide the driver with just-in-time controls. After the vehicle is activated for automated driving, the computer will follow its own route after the destination is set without intervening in the full driving, and it is already able to handle decision making for the most part. However, if there are specific circumstances such as ethical or moral issues, the driver will need to intervene.


Level L5: Fully automated driving

The human becomes a full passenger. The fifth level of self-driving vehicles will be fully automated, the car even steering wheel and other driving institutions do not need, completely through the computer perception and computing to drive the vehicle, regardless of any environment, road conditions, do not need human drivers to intervene in the control. The system will make decisions and solve all problems that arise.

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